CDLX UXR Diary Study
Intern Project

Cardlytics focuses on cashback programs for banking platforms.
Foundational user research on banking customers is necessary for the product team to understand target users’ motivations, preferences, frustrations and behavioral patterns in cashback programs.
As one of the key customer segments, research on traditional banking (trillionaires) customers is needed to inform design decisions and research in B2C products.
The Basics
Qualtrics, Miro, User Interviews.com, Airtable

Research Goals
The primary goal is to conduct foundational behavioral user research on traditional banking customers to inform B to C product design.
To identify the customer segments for traditional banking.
To understand the motivations for saving behaviors and preferences across different channels*.
To understand frustrations that users encounter during current cashback experiences.
To explore similarities and differences between traditional and neo-banking customers.

Research Questions
I started with the following research questions that addressed one of the research goals.
Customer segments
Who are traditional banking customers?
Motivations and preferences
- When and how would users want to be exposed to offer and deals programs?
- What motivates users to enact on deals and offers within their current experiences (bank apps, rewards apps, etc.)?
- Why do users prefer a specific UX interaction over another?
- When would users choose one offer channel over the others?
- What works well in the current experience?
- What is missing in the current cashback experience?
- What pains do users have in their current experience?
Similarities and differences
- What are the similarities and differences in customer segments?
- What are the similarities and differences in customer behaviors?

Research Setup
We used User Interviews.Com to setup the projects for recruitment.

3 projects were set up:
- Entry interview & study onboarding - 45mins
- Unmoderated 2-week long diary logging
- Exit interview - 45mins
A screener was distributed to filter out participants who didn't meet inclusion criteria. Participants with potential conflict of interest were also excluded.
Participants were recruited and transferred between projects to ensure incentive was given based on completion of project stages.
🔎 18 participants were selected and completed the entire diary study process.
Material Design
Study materials including interview questions and surveys were designed and later shared to be reviewed by the UX team, product team and cross-functional members.

Conduct Research
Entry interviews, diary logging and exit interviews were conducted simultaneously as early participants started their diary logging while late entrants were still having their entry interviews.
🎤 40 interviews were conducted, along with analysis of 40 bi-weekly diary survey entries.

Research Analyze
Interview data from entry and exit interviews were logged and analyzed in Miro through Affinity Diagram.

Key insights and related info were later logged into Airtable as part of the UXR repository.

Key insights were organized based on Customer Journey Map stages, and were shared to 30+ UX team, Product team, and cross-functional partners through a 1-hour readout.
Insights were explained through stats and quotes from users, and recommendations were given to help understand actions to be taken.
🤩 We designed a Bingo game for participants of the readout with highlight of research finding phrases.

readout meeting

📝 Get a glance of the Readout Slide Deck →
Take Away
Avoid including possible competitors/ people with conflict of interest;
Have a variety of background if allowed.
Need to accommodate different participants' sharing style.
Diary Study
A repository for participants to check their daily memo;
If upload screenshot/video, allow them to add annotation
Cross-functional Presentation
Make a short version of slides for presentation and share the longer version later to maintain attention span;
Use questions to break out long presentation .
